(14/04/2009) Applications for Pos-Doc Positions in Mathematics


The Institute of Mathematics at Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL) located at Maceió - Brazil, open applications for Pos-doc positions in Mathematics. Sucessful applicants must be a Ph.D. in Mathematics, commited with high level research and should develop research projects in Analysis, Differential Geometry, Algebra, Dynamical Systems or Computer Graphics.


* About Maceió *

Please, take a look at



* Position Description *

This is a up to 36-month full-time position beginning in August of 2009, under the supervision of the Dean and in collaboration with other faculty at UFAL. Associated with this position, there is a small research grant and a undergraduate fellowship for a UFAL student chosen by the applicant.


* Salary: *

Depending on qualifications and experience. Considering the local cost of living, the salary is very competitive.


* Application Procedures and Deadline: *

Interested candidates should apply no later than 4:00 p.m., April 18, 2009. Submit a letter of interest, which includes a statement about the applicant’s research, a current résumé, by email to

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